Monday, June 2, 2008

Wonderful Day

Today... was a very good day. So good that I felt like devoting an entire blog entry just to this day. How good of a day is that? To start off with, I slept extremely well. That was until about four o'clock when I started feeling around for my phone because I wanted to know what time it was. Wondering if I had another hour to sleep or another minute... I don't know if y'all have had a four in the morning experience before, but for me this morning, it was rather humorous. To start off with, Columbus was walking all over my legs, I reached around my bed trying to find my phone (around this time I began to wonder if I had actually fallen asleep while talking to Drew without saying "goodnight" to him. It wasn't until about second period that I decided that I had said "goodnight"... at least I think I did.) only to discover that it wasn't there. So I reach down the side of my bed still searching in the dark for this object...well to make what has the potential to be a short long story short, Columbus had taken my phone and batted it around till it was at the very center underneath my bed. I threw slippers and books to hit it to one side so that I could grab it. Thats when I discovered the current time...turned over, and went back to sleep. Then I got up, did my morning routine, headed out for school while talking to Drew, then decided that I wanted a DP. I stopped into the gas station and grabbed a 10 2 4 DP which for those of you who are to lame to know, is a real DP, a DP made with sugar, not corn syrup. I breezed through my classes, then I discovered after the fact that THS is a rebel in disguise. Supposedly, we were not allowed to go home early today, but we were released if we were exempt. I went home and watched Pretty Woman (Julia Roberts is amazing! She + Richard Gere = perfect screen couple) and catnapped for a bit. Around 4:30 I headed over towards Sugar Land area where I got to see Drew!! Yea! Then it was off to my church where I got to catch up with the youth group choir members from Bartlett United Methodist Church in Bartlett, Tennessee. Ohmegoodness they were amazing! Plus they sang quite a few songs that we sang in the past among which was Lightshine which is one of the best songs in the entire world. If you have not heard it, make certain that you do so before you die, or should you die before you hear it, request it from the angels in heaven. made me happy. Our entire choir was just rocking out to it! After the last song, I headed over to the church library where I grabbed a ton of books that are sitting in my car ready to go to school with me tomorrow for the lame times that I need to be there. I then headed on home, where I currently sit in my computer chair, writing out this blog and waiting for the clock to strike.

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